Group Training

Did you know that there are close to 4,000 signatories of the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investments managing over $120 trillion? These signatories say they take ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) into account in their investment decisions.

And yet very few investors issue guidelines to their portfolio companies on what they expect to see (and not see) in executive pay, which comes under the ‘G’ of ESG.

My executive pay training

Building on successes with past clients, my executive pay training is available to corporate governance, engagement and voting professionals in the institutional investment community. Investment firms approach me to train their staff because executive pay:

  • is always a hot and highly emotive topic for them at AGMs
  • is complex and it’s difficult to keep up with the latest trends
  • has a major impact on whether their portfolio companies fail, survive or thrive

This training is for you if you’re:

  • overwhelmed by technical pay jargon
  • frustrated by generic presentations in the engagement process
  • worried about losing the trust of asset-owner clients

It covers:

  • structure and definitions
  • Responsible Reward: how organisations link their business, sustainability and pay structures (or not as the case may be)
  • an example of a firm’s executive pay proposals in detail

Training impact

I have seen participating firms make substantial changes to their pay structures on the back of my training. They realise the importance of ‘walking the walk’ to demonstrate their integrity and to build credibility with employees and clients alike.

Training aims

The aims of my training sessions are for you to:

  • better understand the technicalities of executive pay
  • be clear about what you want to see in the executive pay proposals of the firms you invest in
  • draft your own executive pay guidelines to assess your portfolio companies

By asking your portfolio companies pertinent questions on executive pay, you’ll be better equipped to make life-changing investment decisions and attract new clients.

About me

As a Reward practitioner for over 30 years, with private and publicly listed organisations across sectors and geographies, I have written and compiled many executive pay proposals and disclosures. I’ve learned how to spot good practices as well as pitfalls. Check out my impressive client list and their testimonials.

My unique area of focus is Responsible Reward: how to leverage the power of remuneration (base pay, incentives, benefits and pensions) to support and achieve the UN SDGs. I train Reward, investment and corporate governance professionals on this topic through their own lens.

What lens is yours?

Next steps

To discuss your training requirements in more detail, book your catch-up call with me today.




